- The current flows in one direction in a diode. 电流在二极管中只朝单方向流动。
- In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在对流中热气流向上运动。
- The current flows out of the output terminal. 电流从输出电极流出。
- In other words, collector current mimics, or mirrors, diode current. 换句话说,集电极电流模仿或镜像了二极管电流。
- Copper lets the electric current flow easily through it. 电流很容易通过钢。
- The direction of conventional current flow is counterclockwise. 传统的电流方向是逆时针方向。
- The presence of a large density of contaminant causes anomalous increases in the diode current with increasing reverse bias. 大量沾污也会使二级管电流随反向偏压的增加而呈现反常的增大。
- However, at turn-off, the diode current reverse for a reverse recovery time trr before falling to zero. 然而在关断时,二极管的电流在降至零之前有一个反向恢复时间。
- This creates a looped current flow similar to a battery. 这将创建一个环状流类似的电池。
- The increased ionization lead to an increased current flow. 越来越强烈的电离作用导致产生越来越大的电流。
- Ampere The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. 安培安培是电流单位。
- For a magnetic field of 2.5 T,diode voltage of 710 kV,and diode current of 10 kA,the conversion efficiency is 26.6% with a microwave frequency of 7.5 GHz and a power of 1.21 GW. 在磁场为2.;5T、二极管电压为710 kV、电流为10 kA的条件下;获得了频率为7
- These saddle points represent points of stagnation of the current flow. 这些鞍点代表电流的驻点。
- The warm Japanese Current flows past the coast. 日本洋暖流流经海岸。
- A current flowing across another current. 交叉水流流向与另一水流交叉的水流
- The prevailing current flows from east to west. 主道的水流是自东往西的。
- An electronic device that restricts current flow chiefly to one direction. 二极管将电流主要限制于一个方向的电子设备,
- When powering a light emitting diode, a comparatively large current flows through the resistor, so you need to consider the power rating of the resistor you choose. 当为发光二极管供电时,会有相对较强的电流通过电阻器,因而要考虑所选择的电阻器的额定功率。
- The rectifier lets current flow into the battery only when A.C. surges in the direction of the arrow. 只有当交流电流沿箭头方向急冲时,整流器才允许电流流入电池组。
- The current flowing in one direction is called direct current . 沿着一个方向流动的电流叫做直流电。